Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's in a name?

I began playing Prankapple to put another healer into my guild's healing rotation. You see, I had tried to level up a priest before with no success at all. Casting's just not my forte, and the little priestlings would never make it past level 20. So I was thrilled when I heard that TBC would bring shamans into the Alliance. My plan was that I would Enhance my way to 70, respec into Restoration and take some of the load off of our poor healers. Unfortunately for me, somewhere along the way I fell in love with enhancement.

Prankapple's been 70 for a long time now, and most of that has been spent with at least 41 points in Restoration. That said, my favorite thing to do with a shaman is to respec to Enhancement, grab a big ol' two-hander and start smashing people. Before TBC I played, among other things, a hunter and a fury warrior. Enhancement combines the hunter's wicked huge crits with the warrior's flurry and adds neat things like Frost Shock, Windfury and totems. How could you not love that?

"Enhancement by Night" sums up this shamaning experience. My day job is healing, my after hours passion is dealing dps. This blog will detail my experiences and lessons in both roles.

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